About Us

About the Therapist

Veronica Ingrao, LCSW, LADC, CCS

Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Licensed Alcohol Drug Counselor
Clinical Certified Supervisor​

“My life’s purpose is to support those unable to see the light.”

I vividly remember telling my grandmother that I wanted to help people who “felt bad feelings” as a young child. As growing up got in the way of intuition, I experienced years in personal and professional indecisiveness. After some blunders, big and small, I began pursuing work as a therapist in 2014. I could tell that working as a therapist was my true calling once I began working in the field of substance use disorders and witnessed individual’s incredible recovery journeys. I’ve learned that all human beings share this common thread— we all know despair, it just looks different for each of us. It is an honor to support people towards restored wellness, whatever that looks like for them.

Over time, I developed a knack for working with men, and began to explore the challenges unique to them, including difficulties with intimacy and communication. After completing graduate school and working for a large mental health agency, I continued developing my credentials and skills, broadening my ability to support all the amazing individuals I work with today. I am continually engaging in mental health training and have varied mentors to draw from, as well as my lived experience.

My greatest strength is that I’m a good friend. I’m an immigrant, which dictates my work ethic. I was a fast-paced Bostonian for many years, but Portland, Maine has afforded me the opportunity to appreciate nature & simplicity. I enjoy food, fitness, and a good laugh— accomplishing all three at the same time is a life goal.


Make an appointment

If you’d like to meet with me, fill out all of the information on the form, so I can provide you with no pressure, specific answers about your care.

Please note, email is the easiest way to reach me.


The Rising Sun Counseling is based out of Falmouth, Maine. My varied licenses, however, allow me to practice therapy across Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Florida. Telehealth sessions allow for a continuity of care. I meet with moms while they are nursing, busy professionals on lunch break, and students between classes. No more excuses! 🙂



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