Emotional Regulation


5 Strategies to Overcome Negativity Bias

“I’m so negative,” my clients often say. “You’re so human,” is often my first response.  The truth is, aside from illnesses like depression or someone’s naturally more easy going persona, all people’s minds are wired towards negative thinking patterns.  Humans give more importance to negative experiences than positive ones, often referred to as a negativity […]

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bright minds

BRIGHT MINDS: Neuroscience to decrease symptoms of mental illness?

Dr. Daniel Amen uses the pneumonic BRIGHT MINDS for 11 risk factors that can result in symptoms of anxiety, PTSD, bipolar disorder and other mental health conditions. Often, the DSM-V guides clinicians to assess solely from a psychiatric lens, but there is an abundance of evidence of physical illness, trauma, over medication, mimicking mental health

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attachment styles

An Original Look at Attachment Styles: Waves, Islands or Anchors?

I savor sessions in which we talk about attachment styles. Understanding the degree to which bonds with our caregiver effect our intimate relationships is fascinating. Still, language like “dismissive attachment” or “anxious attachment” feels, at best, stale, and at worst, deficit based. Recently (and if I’m being honest, in my own therapy), I learned about

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Ego State Therapy

What is Ego State Therapy and Why Might it Help Me?

Has your partner ever told you, “you’re acting like a child?” Has a friend ever called you super judgmental and harsh? Does your boss make you feel insecure, even when they are giving you constructive feedback? Do you act one way as a parent, authoritative and confident, and another as an employee, passive and compliant?

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Compassion Fatigue

Compassion Fatigue: Coping with Caring

Compassion fatigue is caused by exhaustion and secondary trauma, with both emotional and physical symptoms evident. While most common in healthcare professionals (i.e: nurses, therapists), empaths who are not in typical helping roles can certainly suffer from compassion fatigue, too. In fact, due to endless images of the after effects of COVID 19, I’m sure many

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5 Dietary Suggestions To Defuse Your Anxiety

What you eat has a direct, considerable impact on your physiology and biochemistry.  Some natural substances can reduce your anxiety, while others may leave you keyed up.  Coffee is the most common culprit, but there are other small dietary revisions that won’t hurt your pallet and can decrease your anxiety.  I’m a fan of easier

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Rippling Through Grief + Death Anxiety

Undoubtedly, what I consume dictates my therapy practice. August’s read, Irvin Yalom’s, Staring at the Sun, made quite an impression on me. Yalom, a 20th century psychiatrist, writes about the human condition, particularly instructing readers on how to find meaning in death. Many of my current clients have heard a mouthful about Yalom’s ideas regarding

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How to: Accept Anxieties as COVID Precautions Shift

“I should be happy and excited, but all I feel is pressured.” The preceding statement is a variation of so many dialogues I’ve had with clients over the last few weeks, as they anticipate the slow, but steady reopening of their communities. These ponderings are especially prompted by scheduled vaccinations, which will inevitably make it

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Needs + Feelings: Another Way to Inventory

Learning to name and pay attention to your emotions can help you identify what needs healing. First, use a journal, notebook, or smartphone notes to write down which of the feelings below you experienced. On the margin, note if they changed, at what pace, and how obvious they were. If your feelings come from the

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